Pluto Gets Its Own Soundtrack! Plus Real-Time Data From New Horizons
Pluto Has It's Own Tune Now!
Singer-songwriter and folk musician Craig Werth has written a new tune called “Oh Pluto” to celebrate the New Horizons flyby of Pluto on July 14. The song is "inspired by NASA’s New Horizons Mission to Pluto and the quest for knowledge and understanding in the human spirit,” says Werth. Fellow musician Christine Lavin produced a video showcasing the "Oh Pluto" song. In the video different people send their 'hellos' and personal messages to Pluto. Your search for that perfect Pluto flyby party song is over!
New Horizons Raw Images On the Web
The mission team has been sharing the raw images received from NASA's New Horizons on the web. The raw images appear on the web within 48 hours of their receipt on Earth by the Deep Space Network. The raw images is another great way to follow the mission - already, you can pick up some details on the surface of Pluto if you zoom in on these raw, unprocessed images.

Monitor Communications With New Horizons In Real-Time
Did you know you could monitor ground communications with New Horizons in real-time? The mission team communicates with New Horizons via NASA's Deep Space Network. The Deep Space Network website provides you with an inside look at how the mission team communicates and tracks the spacecraft within the solar system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

The real-time data is updated every 5 seconds and allows you to examine how quickly the data is being received, and how long a signal takes to and from the spacecraft. Click on a satellite dish on the website to view which spacecraft that dish is communicating with right now. The abbreviation for New Horizons is "NHPC".
Latest Weekly New Horizons Mission Briefing
If you missed the live briefing on June 23, here is the recording. The next mission briefing is on June 30.
Added Apple Watch Support To Pluto Safari
If you have an Apple Watch, the latest version of Pluto Safari adds support for it. If you have time, please rate or write a Pluto Safari review - it really helps. Go Pluto!